As temperatures soar, utility bills have a sneaky way of following suit. With inflation, the cost of cooling your home this summer can quickly spiral out of control. 

Don’t let the heat drain your wallet! 

With a few tweaks here and some energy-conscious habits there, you can effortlessly conquer the summer heat while keeping your bank account intact. Read on to discover game-changing tips to stay cool, comfortable, and financially free!

  • Save Big with a Programmable Thermostat

Cut costs with a genius gadget: the programmable thermostat! Say goodbye to wasted energy and hello to extra money. 

Customize your home’s temperature to match your daily routine, cooling it when needed and conserving it when you’re away. Unlock savings of up to 10% on your energy bill with ease!

  • Save Money, Let the Breeze In

Chill out with a breeze that won’t squeeze your wallet! Harness the power of affordable and energy-saving ceiling fans to beat the heat, sparing your A/C and pocketbook. 

Crack open the windows in the evening and invite in the cool currents to slash up to 40% off your energy bill!

  • A/C TLC For Big Savings

Boost efficiency and bid farewell to wasted power by giving your air conditioning system the TLC it deserves. Clean or replace your air filters monthly to unlock savings and unleash your A/C’s peak performance!

  • Light the Way to Savings

It’s time to flip the switch on wasteful spending. Turn off lights when they’re not needed and potentially pocket a dazzling $274 per year! 

But that’s not all – embark on a journey towards energy efficiency by swapping out old incandescent bulbs for cost-effective LEDs. These superheroes of illumination not only slash your electricity usage but also keep shining for longer, saving you $40-135 per bulb throughout their lifetime! 

  • Cut Costs, Pull the Plug

Reclaim control over your energy bill and unplug TVs, chargers, and computers that secretly sip energy when idle. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, these power-hungry vampires can stealthily contribute up to 10% to your monthly bill. 

Make it easy with power strips and shut off electricity to plugged-in devices all at once!

  • Strategize to Save

Appliances generate a lot of heat. Not good when your A/C is already working hard to cool your home. Save your A/C’s sweat and run appliances such as ovens, dishwashers, and washing machines when the sun goes down. 

And remember, the key to unlocking maximum energy savings is to embrace the power of full loads. So, load ’em up, and let the cool night air work its wonders, for an efficient energy-saving home.

  • Stock up and Lock in the Cool! 

Maximize coolness and minimize energy usage with a full fridge. An empty fridge has more space for warm air to circulate, while a fully stocked one keeps the heat at bay. 

So fill your fridge to the brim, unleash the chilling power, and watch your energy bills shrink as your food stays fresh, cool, and oh-so-delicious!

  • Plunge into Cool Water Savings

Take control of your energy costs by dialing down the temperature on your water tank to 120˚. According to, heating water gobbles up a staggering 90% of the power needed to wash your laundry. 

So break free from this heated expense and embrace the wonders of cold water washing. You can potentially pocket $152 in annual savings.

  • Ditch the Dryer, Pocket the Savings

Embrace the art of air-drying and watch your bills deflate. Skip energy-guzzling dryers. Flick off the dry cycle on your dishwasher. Set your blow dryer aside. Join the air-drying revolution and be a hero of savings and sustainability!

  • Oven Off, Savings On

Bid farewell to your scorching oven on hot days and embrace the energy-efficient charm of a crockpot or slow cooker. These modern wonders let you cook delicious meals without turning your home into a sauna. 

Elevate your culinary adventures with a toast-worthy toaster oven, the lightning-fast magic of a microwave, or the al fresco delights of grilling outside. Cook up a storm while keeping your home cool and let the energy savings ignite your taste buds!

  • Close Curtains, Cut Costs

Shut out the sweltering sun and make your home an oasis of coolness by shutting the blinds during the hottest part of the day! 

Reduce your need for air conditioning further with reflective window film or solar shades. These modern devices will effortlessly deflect the heat from entering your home.

Say hello to a stylish and energy-efficient home, where curtains and blinds become your secret weapon against the summer sun!

  • Seal it, Save it!

Lock in precious cool air and banish energy leaks with caulk and weather stripping. According to the mighty Consumer Reports, sealing those sneaky leaks can slash your energy costs by a jaw-dropping 15-30%. 

Don’t let precious air conditioning escape; unleash the sealing magic and revel in a home that’s snug, efficient, and oh-so-cool!

  • Take Advantage of Power Hours

Reserve energy-intensive tasks for off-peak hours. First, check with your local power company about peak hours or time-of-use rates. Next, schedule energy-hungry tasks – laundry and dishwasher – during off-peak hours. 

Experience the magic of ‘Power Hours’ and watch your energy bill bow down to your brilliance!

Be a money-saving negotiator!

Dial up your providers and strike a deal. If you don’t want to negotiate, check out Rocket Money and Billshark, two bill negotiation apps that fearlessly fight for lower rates on your behalf. 

But that’s not all! Some providers have a secret ace up their sleeve: the option to spread out costs evenly throughout the year. End seasonal cost hikes and embrace lower predictable bills.

About the author

Rachel Alulis

Rachel Alulis has been the lead editor for Moneyfor’s credit cards team since 2015 and for the financial rewards team since 2023. Before joining Moneyfor, Rachel worked at USA Today and the Des Moines Register. She then established a successful freelance writing and editing business specializing in personal finance. Rachel holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and an MBA.